Pojďte se spolu s námi podívat, co je nového v pánských peněženkách a kam směřují nejnovější trendy....

Také Vám někdy přijde, že nemáte nic na sebe? Otevřete skříň, ta praská ve švech, ale nevíte co na sebe? Také máte někdy pocit, že byste potřebovali stylistu, který by Vám tu skříň proházel a nakombinoval, co se k sobě hodí a co ne?...

Šaty jsou nepochybně nejdůležitějším prvkem oblečení každé ženy. Aby však kreace zdůrazňovala výhody Vaší krásy, měla by být vhodně přizpůsobená k Vaší siluetě. Dnes napovídáme, jak přizpůsobit šaty k postavě a jak je nosit ve spojení s jinými prvky oblečení, abyste vypadaly kouzelně a elegantně....

Jaké manžetové knoflíčky od Antorini patří k nejoblíbenějším? Přinášíme žebříček TOP 5 manžetových knoflíčků, které nejraději nosíte....

Co může být lepšího, než jít v deštivý den nakupovat online? Žádný spěch, stres a nákup za několik kliknutí? Přinášíme přehled nejlepších míst na českém internetu, kde pohodlně zakoupíte módu, oblečení a módní doplňky. Možná některé z e-shopů znáte a už tam nakupujete, některé mohou být novou inspirací. Vybírali jsme pouze z kvalitních e-shopů a záměrně zde neuvádíme ty, které se zaměřují na levné bazarové nebo nejlevnější zboží. Pohodlně se usaďte a seznamte se s našimi tipy. ...

Elegantní dámské peněženky: Výběr nejlepších peněženek z aktuální kolekce ANTORINI®....

Šála je nezbytný módní doplněk oblíbený u mužů i žen všech věkových kategorií. V chladných obdobích roku chrání šála před nachlazením a přináší příjemné teplo. Jedná se sice o praktický doplněk, ale elegantní šály mohou dokonale podtrhnout Váš outfit a dodat outfitu potřebný šmrnc....

Módní značka ANTORINI představila v nové kolekci podzim/zima luxusní kabelku Chantal. Špičkové provedení a dech beroucí kouzlo předurčují Chantal k dokonalému sladění pro denní i večerní nošení....


Diáře s vyměnitelnou náplní jsou vynikajícím doplňkem pro vaše každodenní plánování a organizaci času. Do desek diáře je možné umístit různé druhy náplní a docílit tak vynikající efektivnosti využití svého času. Ať už hledáte řešení pro svou obchodní, pracovní nebo osobní oblast, kožené diáře ANTORINI se vám díky vyměnitelným náplním přizpůsobí....

Představujeme novou úchvatnou kolekci Essence inspirovanou něžnou krásou. Zápisníky ze stříbrné zářivé kůže jsou velmi půvabné, ženské a plné sebevědomí. Zářivé doteky jemných světelných odlesků jsou v dokonalé harmonii s jemným lila interiérem. ...

Pánské kožené peněženky...

Technology and brazilian hair wholesale time have developed several products that somehow answer all of the problems of ladies with regards to unwanted hair. Distinct approaches have developed vari......

Brazilian Hair removal has its personal advantages and disadvantages. The advantage would be achieving clean pubic region space for any certain period of time. The disadvantage would be enduring th......

Brazilian hair bundles come in short, medium and lengthy variations too as a wide variety of stunning hues. Buy a shade ring to more accurately pick out your wig color considering that the shades o......

Brazilian hair wholesale is rapidly becoming wide spread, moving from its dwelling in brazil salons are adopting the strategies far and huge. The technique is known as Escova Progressiva or in Engl......

The whole hair bundles fatory procedure usually takes about 4 - 5 hours. The first hour master tells your about a technique which she will use, following that she washes your hair and prepare them towards the procedure. Next step is making use of of Keratin mask. You wait twenty minutes while it seal into your hair. Next is drying and ironing your hair, it is really actually the past step, but it surely takes the rest of your time. During approximately four hours master will iron and straighten your hair. ...

Where by to hair bundles wholesale straighten your locks, I suggest you to go to hair salon, for those who have some knowledge or you do have a excellent friend which has some expertise so then you......

Technological innovation and hair extensions company time have developed various products which somehow answer all of the issues of ladies with regards to undesirable hair. Distinct approaches have......

The reason that synthetic brazilian hair weave is prevalent is due towards the actuality that it's straightforward to treatment for, reasonably priced, has a long term color, effortless to style, a......

Brazilian hair bundles hair grease doesn't dry and will cause your extensions to matte and beard. I recommend employing argan oil to moisturize your extensions and to prevent damage when making use......

Immediately after brazilian hair extensions your weft sealant has totally dried, co clean your extensions that has a cleansing conditioner. DO NOT USE SHAMPOO! Sorry for yelling, but this can't be ......

I mixed the brazilian hair company powder and 40 quantity in equal parts (added a bit of toner and aragan oil), smeared it about the sample and (here's the secret) I put it in aluminum foil and in ......

The only exception to hair bundles company most dark virgin hair is the fact that which will come from a much more Northern Slavic origin or European virgin hair - and that stuff is quite pricey an......

This online human hair factory boutique has a broad variety human / Remy hair wigs from your top brands from the alternative hair marketplace. Notable brands include, but are not limited to Jon Ren......

Custom designed one hair weave factory is going to be by far the most pricey.From the construction of many human / Remy hair wigs, the hair is individually hand tied to your nylon mesh cap, althoug......

They make a Lace wigs wholesale great addition to your look and they immediately give you extensive gorgeous hair which can be styled in lots of ways. Very long straight silky hair, curly and volum......

By curling the Silk Closure wholesale following they may have been utilized, you might be able to create curls which use a blend of both your hair as well as human hair extensions. This means that ......

Once you Lace Frontal wholesale have prepared your own hair and the clip in extensions, you could then utilize each individual piece a person by a single, gently comb after each application to make......

Virgin hair wholesale tend to be the new fad right now mainly because they are able to easily be blended in to search just as pure as your normal hair. Clip in extensions created of human hair are ......

It truly is a brazilian hair bundles problem of all young women and mature girls, if we have straight hair we want to twist them and if we have frizzy hair we obviously want to straighten them. Ah ......

The numerous brazilian hair extensions side-effects of eradicating hair have empowered gals in helping one particular another to seek out the very best brazilian hair removing products from the mar......

Why Indian Hair if you'll find so a lot of some others out there?Well, this particular sort has unidirectional cuticles so combing is easier and tangling is practically non-existent. It is the same......

Brazilian hair extensions company is real human having a nice soft texture. It really is not as like other ordinary human hair weaving obtainable in retail hair shops. Actually ordinary hair weavin......

However you hair bundles company can find several things that must be kept in mind when you have chosen the Brazilian wefts. You must regularly visit the salon right after each individual 6-8 weeks so that your wefts are taken out and put back against your scalp in an appropriate manner. ...

According to hair extensions fatory the fashion choice for the usage of the hair, this hair can be employed in numerous designs. When choosing the hair merchandise, figuring out what fashion choice......

This online brazilian hair extensions boutique has a broad variety human / Remy hair wigs from your top brands from the alternative hair marketplace. Notable brands include, but are not limited to ......

Custom designed one hair extensions company is going to be by far the most pricey.From the construction of many human / Remy hair wigs, the hair is individually hand tied to your nylon mesh cap, al......

They make a brazilian hair fatory great addition to your look and they immediately give you extensive gorgeous hair which can be styled in lots of ways. Very long straight silky hair, curly and vol......

The numerous virgin hair side-effects of eradicating hair have empowered gals in helping one particular another to seek out the very best brazilian hair removing products from the marketplace. Onli......

Here is how laser removes hair on your skin: ...

Why brazilian hair if you'll find so a lot of some others out there?Well, this particular sort has unidirectional cuticles so combing is easier and tangling is practically non-existent. It is the s......

Brazilian virgin hair is real human having a nice soft texture. It really is not as like other ordinary human hair weaving obtainable in retail hair shops. Actually ordinary hair weaving can't be t......

According to brazilian hair the fashion choice for the usage of the hair, this hair can be employed in numerous designs. When choosing the hair merchandise, figuring out what fashion choice is want......

However you human hair can find several things that must be kept in mind when you have chosen the Brazilian wefts. You must regularly visit the salon right after each individual 6-8 weeks so that your wefts are taken out and put back against your scalp in an appropriate manner. ...